40 Wise Words of Instagram Caption About Life - Kmpublisher.my.id

40 Wise Words of Instagram Caption About Life

Instagram is one of the most popular social media today. Of course, of course when you open Instagram, you will find lots of photos and videos that have words or captions. Then what is a Caption? The word Caption comes from English, namely (description). Which explains videos and photos uploaded on Instagram / expresses a feeling in a person's heart about what he feels.

Captions are also very helpful for you in expressing what is in your heart. Now for those of you who want to always exist on social media. Surely you are looking for and want to get a unique and interesting caption, to be posted on your social media, for example Facebook and Instagram. Because it feels incomplete if you post a photo or video, without being peppered with an interesting and beautiful caption.

Following are the wise words of Instagram captions about life

1. Even though it tastes bitter, for me this is a test that I must enjoy and be grateful for.

2. The pain is due to a cause that cannot be explained by oneself.

3. Grieving when we have a lot of problems, it's a natural thing because we have weak souls.

4. Calm down, don't get too fast, we have to think again about the best.

5. Don't be afraid to try, don't give up before trying, don't give up before asking, never give up, keep up the spirit and be confident in reaching it.

6. Love like that is very painful.

7. Everything that is in vain regretting the past a lot, better regret what you will not be able to do in the future.

8. When you are in such a vulnerable point, ask Him for help and strength.

9. Start now, it will improve your future better and try.

10. In the life of love, it does not always run smoothly, there must be twists and turns, so be patient.

11. In the journey of life, there are challenges and obstacles that must be passed with great patience.

12. Success isn't easy, and it's a good thing - at least in business. If it were easy, everyone would and the competitors would go too far!

13. have only one life, and if it's not going where you want it, now is the time to make a change.

14. Never let your past decisions determine your future results.

15. Nothing can give you a purpose. no one can dig for you. This is your trip.

16. People who give up never win. Winners never give up!

17. There is no such thing as a lack of time, just a lack of focus. We can all do things that we really want to do.

18. Life without purpose will have no meaning.

19. If you have set goals and you want to achieve them, you have to think positively and achieving those goals will be much easier.

20. The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have.

21. Little by little, one journey is sure to be far.

22. I exist as I am, that's enough for me.

23. The path is made by walking.

24. Stepping is not backward, stepping forward.

25. When I am tired, my way to relieve fatigue is by praying and doing the orders.

26. Believe you it is the best.

27. Listen and feel.

28. Have a patient soul, because that patience will lead you to the happiness that you have dreamed of.

29. Time is an opportunity, which must be seized and made the best use of it.

30. A beautiful destination sure has a tough road.

31. No matter how difficult the path is, it will definitely end in happiness.

32. Have a beautiful goal.

33. Run after what is in front of you, remember never to look back because we do not know when we look we will fall because it is caught in a small rock in front of us.

34. We all have a goal, that goal is happiness.

35. Get up and touch.

36. Do not judge each day by the yields you get but by the seeds you plant.

37. Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.

38. Always do your best. What is planted now, will be harvested later.

39. No need to look at the entire staircase, just take the first step.

40. You can change the world by being yourself.

So how? With the quote above, please choose one of the words that fits your heart right now. Don't forget to share it again with your best friends, I hope this article can inspire you in living life, hopefully it can be useful.